The “Next Generation” Dryer – Firing Furnace…..
HTP Furnaces strives to incorporate the latest technologies in infrared Dryers, firing furnaces and electronics to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of its dryers/firing furnaces. A recent development, HTP Furnaces (Dryers) replaced the halogen infrared lamps short with medium wave. The medium wavelength is optimally suited for surface drying, as this wavelength closely matches the absorption characteristics of solvents. By contrast, the short wavelength lamps are more penetrative so that energy is lost as it penetrates the ink itself. The new lamps, which are fitted precisely in the dryers to create an even heat distribution over the target surface. We are also very pleased with the fact that the less-penetrative medium wave dries the Paste surface more gently.
Firing furnaces as well incorporate the latest technologies for high throughput and ensures repeatability and capability for cell efficiency. HTP Furnaces dual independent zone design eliminates lane to lane influences and independent temperature control of top and bottom zones for optimal firing. The cooling system will use the recirculating chilled water of the facility and recalculating air. The Cooling System will not add thermal load to the facility Air Conditioning System. There are Heat Exchangers above and below the belt level. The heat Exchanger will also absorb the radiation energy from the belt and the solar cell in addition to convection heat transfer from the recirculating air.